I've been frequenting online beer web sites since 2003 and I've been trading beer online since spring of 2006. In the time since then, I've discovered some SERIOUSLY tasty brews, far above what I would otherwise have access to.
My favorite styles tend to be Imperial Stouts, Imperial Porters and Imperial IPAs and Barleywines. I'm also a fan of nearly anything barrel aged.....especially big beers aged in bourbon barrels.
The people I've traded with have all been great. Here's a list of my trading partners for you to reference, in the event that we should have an opportunity to negotiate our own trade in the future.
I'd vouch for any of these Beer Advocate and RateBeer
members. Some have become very good friends.......
GREAT Traders:
(clicking a trader's name takes you to their BeerAdvocate or RateBeer profile)
A ahatcher78 (2x), ampzilla (2x), ArrogantB (2x), Assurbanipaul (Was it REALLY a trade? :), autumnaldave (2x),
B Barleywinebrewer (2x w/HB's!), bdigi66 (2x), Beasiefan2k, BeerBeing (7x P), BeerRun13, BeerTracker (3x), BeerTruth, Biegaman (2x), BigHuge, BigLove, bjohnson, BlastTyrant (2x), blindpig, blitz134, Boozie Lanoue, brdc, brewdoc, Brian700, bullet2urbrain,
F Faro, fartingdog, fitzIPAtrick, FlacoAlto, flyingbison (5+ face to face trades), FtownThrowDown (2x),
J jaxon53 (2x P), JB175, jhammerly, Jay23 (3x) JeffKrenner (2x), jj21, jmichael, john_adam2002 , JohnGalt1, JoshD (2x), jrdegriselles,
M Metallitone1, mcallister (9x), Men-in-Cleats, mikesgroove (P), miketd, MiScusi, mkgrenwell, mmtmatrix, mookow, mreusch (2x), MuenchenerKindl(18x P!!!), murchmac,
S SaCkErZ9, shaebs99, Severstad (2x of many to come), Shippos (2X), SilentSabre, sinstaineddemon (3x), skinnyelvis, skyhand, splitgrin, stewdawg,
T tangfoot, thefatkid13 (5+ face to face trades), thickerfreakness, Timmcd64, todd1 (5x), tpd975, trill,
Trade References for NFLMVP
Trade References for NFLMVP
Here's a list of my trading partners for your reference. I'd vouch for any of these TheBeerSpot, Beer Advocate, RateBeer and Facebook members. Some have become very good friends.......
(clicking a trader's name takes you to their TheBeerSpot, BeerAdvocate, RateBeer or Facebook profile. You may find that a number of these links are no longer active, due to any number of factors....no longer a member, new website format, etc. Be patient, there are MANY good, active references here for you to check.)
B Barleywinebrewer (2x w/HB's!), barleywinefiend, BC4MFRED1, bdigi66 (2x), bdigital1, beachbum1975, beandip, Beastiefan2k, beddachedda (3x), BeerBeing (6x), beerman4, BeerRun13, BeerTracker (3x), BeerTruth, benz08, bespin15, bgramer, Biegaman (2x), BigHuge, BigLove, bird22, bjohnson, BlastTyrant (2x), blindpig, blitz134, BOLTZ7555, Boolshot (4x), Boozie Lanoue, brdc, brewdoc, BrewerB, brian23456, Brian700, BrooHa, brown171, bullet2urbrain,
C Cakanator, CaptainCougar, CaptainNomihodai, ckobes, ClockworkOrange (2x), CoolJosh, cooperrip, Cresant, Crosling, czoch75 (3x),
D dashirey, dbyron22, dcloeren, derrickt007, Deuane x2, dill, DmanGTR, dogfish_ho, d0ggnate, DrAwkward82, drumrboy22 (2x), dukedevil0, dyan (2x)
F Farmhousewench, Faro (2x), fartingdog, fatknitty, fitzIPAtrick, FlacoAlto, FlandersNed, flyingbison (5+ face to face trades), fogdog, Fro, FtownThrowDown (2x), *DO NOT TRADE* fyrecrakker05 *DO NOT TRADE* (See links below)
G glkaiser, Goliath, goodbyeohio, grassrootsVT, Greg Matz, GrizzlyAdams, grub (3x), grumpy (3x), gueuzedreg,
G glkaiser, Goliath, goodbyeohio, grassrootsVT, Greg Matz, GrizzlyAdams, grub (3x), grumpy (3x), gueuzedreg,
H heliosphann, HimerMan, HopasaurusRex (great HBs!), hoppymeal (4x), hopscotch, hopswap1, Hyroglyphk,
J jampics2, Javit, jaxon53, Jay23 (3x), JB175, jedwards, JeffKrenner (2x), jegross2, Jerk44 (2x), jerz, jhammerly, jj21, jmichael, jmikolich, john_adam2002 , JohnGalt1 (2x), josephoselander, JoshD (2x), jp7176, jraycee, jrdegriselles, jw347,
K KAME, Kegatron (2x), Keyportnick, kfsv034, kirok1999, klewis, kmpitz2, kmweaver, kplynch, kstrickler,
M MaltyLareau, Metallitone1, mcallister (10x), Men-in-Cleats, mhewes, miketd, mikeyv35 (x2), milwaukeeclassic, mindspin315, MiScusi, mkgrenwell, mmtmatrix, mookow, motortoddhead, mr. furley (5+ face to face trades), mreusch (2x), MuenchenerKindl(18x!!!), murchmac,
O objectivemonkey (2x), Odeed, OHLRangers (3x), optimator13, Orfeu (2x), orbitalr0x, Oxymoron,
P paco1029384756, Pantanap, PEBKAC, ph2001, pittsburghkid66, polomagnifico, prAna, Prufrock, ptwnbwlr, puzzl,
R raverjames, rayjay, RCL, RedwoodGeorge (2x), Rempo, RickSawyer, robertdoesbeer (3X), RobErt Garren, ROBORB, rudylaw, ryan
S SaCkErZ9, Savearth, Schlais, Sean9689, Severstad (3x of many to come), shaebs99, Shippos (2X), SilentSabre, sinstaineddemon (3x), skinnyelvis, skyhand, smokingmex (2x), Snikwad1020, SoFla123, Solomon420 (2x), sonicdescent, SPLITGRIN , srandycarter, stawn, stewdawg, stfun37, StoutFest, SurlyDuff (x3), swnicholson,
T tangfoot, tedpeer, thethrone, thickfreakness (2x), Thirsty_Rob, thorpe429, ThreeWiseMen, Timmcd64, tnudish, todd1 (5x), TookieMustDie (3x), t0rin0, tpd975, tprokop7, trill,
X xmarcnolanx,
Y Yamar18, ygtbsm94, younger35,
Z zminor, zrrbrrt,
DO NOT TRADE!!!..........DO NOT TRADE!!!..........fyrecrakker05 ............DO NOT TRADE!!!..........DO NOT TRADE!!!
The fyrecrakker05 saga continues. He's come back under the screen name alldeybrewin at both BeerAdvocate and RateBeer. Avoid trading with anyone by the name of Seth Bower from Westchester PA. He has also gone by the names Christian Miranda, Zach Bower, Chris, and Bryan. He has connections to shipping addresses in Philadelphia and New York City as well.
*3/17/10: Seth has now been tied to urownnitemare on BA and RB but that account has been canceled on BA. He has logged onto his RB account as recently as today. He's had all the chances I'm willing to give him. If you want to avoid him, here's his REAL name and address:
Seth Bower
WEST CHESTER, PA 19380-1714
Keep in mind that he uses aliases and is known to have shipments sent to other addresses.
Just use good common sense and check multiple references, when trading. Seth is known to be aggressive, abrasive and even rude in his negotiations so don't just assume that good references = good trader. In the past, he has worked numerous trades, in order to build up a reputable trade history, just so he can pull a big scam on a number of traders at once.
Z zminor, zrrbrrt,
DO NOT TRADE!!!..........DO NOT TRADE!!!..........
The fyrecrakker05 saga continues. He's come back under the screen name alldeybrewin at both BeerAdvocate and RateBeer. Avoid trading with anyone by the name of Seth Bower from Westchester PA. He has also gone by the names Christian Miranda, Zach Bower,
*3/17/10: Seth has now been tied to urownnitemare on BA and RB but that account has been canceled on BA. He has logged onto his RB account as recently as today. He's had all the chances I'm willing to give him. If you want to avoid him, here's his REAL name and address:
Seth Bower
WEST CHESTER, PA 19380-1714
Keep in mind that he uses aliases and is known to have shipments sent to other addresses.
Just use good common sense and check multiple references, when trading. Seth is known to be aggressive, abrasive and even rude in his negotiations so don't just assume that good references = good trader. In the past, he has worked numerous trades, in order to build up a reputable trade history, just so he can pull a big scam on a number of traders at once.
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